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Corporate Posture Workshops – The Reviews Are Coming In!

Loving my new reviews from one of my office postural workshops I presented a few weeks ago!
Employers are starting to realise the benefits, both financially and for staff welfare, of looking after their office staff by helping them realise the importance of self care and aligned posture whilst sitting for hours at their desks - rather than buying expensive 'ergonomic' office equipment!
Early days - but those forward thinking Oxfordshire companies are getting there!


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back2best Postural Correction Course Now Available!

From my experience at teaching postural correction at Oxford Brookes University and from the success I have found delivering this information with my private clients over the years, I have now officially designed my posture alignment program for those suffering from back, neck & shoulder pain which includes bookmarks, prompt cards & fridge magnets featuring 'Chester the Turtle!'

Contact me to see how this 3 stage program can help you reduce your back pain and shoulder tension.

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