Neural Pathways

What is NMR?

Neural pathways connect one part of the nervous system with another and usually consisting of bundles of elongated, myelin insulated neurons, known collectively as white matter. Neural pathways serve to connect relatively distant areas of the brain or nervous system, compared to the local communication of grey matter.

Neuromuscular Reeducation focuses on the reflexes in areas of the body that detect and respond to irritation. Persistent irritation produces a chronic pain cycle within the body and often leads to an ingraining of the pain message in the neural pathways. (See text box at right) These neural pathways generate trigger points that may refer the pain elsewhere in the body. Trigger points are often felt as "knots" in the muscles of the back, but can be found throughout the skeletal muscles of the body.


Chronic Pain and Tension, Oxford Treatment
Our reactions to injury and stress are learned responses that often lead to chronic muscular tension and pain. This tension causes imbalances in our posture and movement patterns that restrict flexibility and limit the range of motion in our joints. It goes unnoticed most of the time, until our body reminds us of its presence with muscular discomfort and pain.

Neuromuscular Reeducation works by improving circulation to tissues, releasing trigger points, and freeing soft tissue that may be causing nerve entrapment. It lessens the muscular tension and restriction that causes pain, and lengthens and strengthens connective tissue (fascia).

Neuromuscular Reeducation also increases our awareness of the larger problem of posture and biomechanics. By helping identify personal behaviors that play a role in perpetuating pain, we are able to change the ways we move and use our body that causes us pain and discomfort.

Neuromuscular Reeducation uses muscular stretching, myo-fascial release, deep tissue bodywork, trigger point therapy, and specialized biomechanical exercises. By creating new ways of resting, holding, and using our body, we are able to move with more efficiency and balance in our daily lives, and thus reducing physical pain and eliminating the cycle of pain.

It is beneficial for individuals with chronic pain associated with tendonitis, repetitive strain injury, and poor posture.Neuromuscular Reeducation is effective is helping us change the movement patterns that often are the source of physical pain.

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